SCP - Containment Breach is a 2012 video game by Undertow Games.
Server: RESEARCH_3_A
Client: CONT_SCP_372
Server: RESEARCH_3_AClient: CONT_SCP_205
"Agent Skinner and Security Agent Carey start their morning shift monitoring the containment room of SCP-106"
"UNKNOWN: it's out"
"UNKNOWN CLIENT: proceeding"
"SCP-106 breaches containment. Security Agent Skinner sets off a facility-wide alarm and informs Security Chief Franklin. Agent Carey claims to have been getting coffee from Cafeteria B at the time of the breach. Appropriate disciplinary measures have been taken."
"SCP-106 appears outside office block C. One office worker captured by SCP-106 and presumably taken to the pocket dimension.
Security Chief Franklin arrives the containment room of SCP-106 with 5 security agents (including Agent Carey) and a Class D Subject D-9215. Agent Skinner is nowhere to be found, and assumed to be taken by SCP-106."
"Subject D-9215 is placed inside the containment cell of SCP-106 and the recall protocoll is initiated."
"SCP-106 is spotted in a hallway outside the containment room of SCP-079."
"SCP-106 emerges from the west wall of the containment room and enters the containment cell. The cell is lifted up by the ELO-IID electromagnets."
"The alarm is set off and a cleaning team is dispatched to fix the damage caused by SCp-106."
"Researched Ferguson notices that the blast door outside the containment room of SCP-079 cannot be opened manually or via the control panel. A team of three technicians is sent to check the door."
"The technicians confirm that the problem is not caused by a fault in the door control system. They start disassembling the door to see if any of the mechanical parts are damaged.
Since SCP-106 had been near the door during the breach, it is likely that the malfunction was caused by the "corrosion effect" of SCP-106."
Assistant Ross: "Hello? Is Anybody online?"
Unknown: "This is Surveillance Room 6. Please state your business."
Assistant Ross: "This is Assistant Ross. I'm locked inside Containment Room 5 and I've only got level 2 clearance. Are you able to send help? I'm hearing noises from behind the door, don't know what it is but I have to get out of here"
Unknown: "I'm sorry but I'm afraid we can't get anyone there right now. Half of the security is unreachable and those we've gotten in contact with seem to be busy with keeping themselves alive or getting out."
Assistant Ross: "I need help now"
Unknown: "Hello? Are you still here?"
"****** RECONNECTING ******"
"[unknown]: DENIED"
"CONT_SCP_008: unknown client, please state your identity and the reason to the denial"
"CONT_SCP_008: in case this message goes through: evacuating 008's surveillance room. Incineration and irradiation systems not functional, apparently disabled by an unknown client. DO NOT ENTER 008's chamber before it has been confirmed safe."
"****** ALARM - CONTAINMENT BREACH [SCP-682] ******"
"MAIN CONT: 3 Apaches engaging the target. 5 more on their way from Gate A."
"GATEB_CONT1: What about those MTF units?"
"MAIN_CONT: Nine Tailed Fox is still inside, they'll be there in 8 minutes. An APC is transporting Cloud Nine, est arrival in 2 minutes."
"GATEB_CONT1: CH-4 down, target regenerating faster than we can inflict damage. Major damage in the elevator shaft and entrance tunnel. All the blast doors between the tunnel and the facility destroyed. Situation out of control."
"MAIN_CONT: Risk of other SCPs getting out is too high. Arming the alpha warheads."
"GATEB_CONT1: Are you sure? We don't know how 682 reacts to nuclear weaponry"
"MAIN_CONT: Direct orders from Security Chief Franklin. Evacuating the Main Control Room now. Good luck, everyone."
"****** DISCONNECTED ******
****** CHAT LOG SAVED ******"