lattawbar 1, 1I7T 11-11 Salt -Htiati Arte ttM Itrtlivtil Miami THE MIAMI NEWS 7 11-27 Salt-Htmil-Arti 21 -Il-M Sili-HtiMi-lMi (Area tl Carol (r 21 tilt H.IMI ill! II Area Westchester I 064 11-41 till-Himet-tiil 41 Arte el HeUvweed tt-10 talt-HtiMi-lrit 10 Area tl Pemproiie Pinei 11-21 Selt-lltnefArtl 21 Am 1 Cn GaMes i Saw l-I Besuttf ill lila bad Area a Kendaa-Perrine. Culler Ride i2-0l Salt-pl-Coiidominiumi trtt 01 I Area Miami I El PorUI BV OWI.f 3-11 Sile-IoKnheyiet-liUll Area ol Hiaieah Pool Hume I Veal yWianly bedroom 7 bain, cenlral iir 3 bedroom bain, temiiy room, rar 'We Win fma Voiil UeelnTlunie'' 2-2-2-2 SUNSET ESTATES room Oath i ullinu rooms Dinina Moust i on corner lot 3 Bedrooms ll' belh, R-7 toning 4 additional room if. room 4 Everything! Netr Rivit'eilmmecuieit bedroom. I bain, Itm- maculate bedroom, 7 bath, lai (inm lks Auu numlt nl Inn. line Mana uq Higni 751 -mf "MAPPlriF Louniry iuo' iiiy plus I-la room, many illy plus Ha room, many eilrel, SKINNY DIP per If ll BrWer 444-44S5jfeii clese-ln location, ln00.
Ca lar fTe OpeVl-i" IMarie alloc t4-4ej. Ada OpenlT pearoom pain, -car garage, hmv-mh-mmmmhmmmm monlh Immed ai CKriioaniv Cal rooml. Bi-aulilul large home 5M6(f. I finlioom i pain, l.m oaioiii' LOIIti-ln tdull tree Alio Includel screened or unlurn healed pool, leuna. Conn-VBJ jtnj inorih.
air iond Burular alarm and Irv Club rriorludue ryMim Kl 7J 5ltfb ve ARnOk aJfAiraiar cenei rront, bedroom, lormal dining, delue eel -in kilchen. bl (111 tremt De C'eme Pool, over 2100 eLt Cr u.h hor Ll piuth I J4-4J4 1 bedroom 7 batn. study ti ft home, gtrtgt, loti at 01 KEA.LTUK5 416 room, peliO. IJ6.500 leiely lurn tan nowl now -oi Lo 140 teTPicrl I A I DOLPHIN Wl Firupiere, fenced bai yard. 1 Central air.
tali 444 48114 I KUAIIT INI, ERA 1795 MOVF IrT ERA Real 'or 'J Jormion SI. Hvwd tnadt Ireetl 144 The Keye The Keyes Co-51st Yr IN 130 SOUTH OAOf tt-TY tNC BMi "SMSSSSMS. PS'JL-JM-iWaa. Owner SJ -01 1 7 Owner o.n (371 i Bedroom, Ml. Hri u.f?RLTY REALTOR i5sN in 4 K)I40, Tmr T6f DROOM rtlYlUilUt LMIto cenlral air 4 heal, garage Milieu! area.
Widow tnmous Aslmgi Chtn link lanes Rnue, refrigtraior Term by owner 940-5064 10WNH0MES PAI LAS i i BATHS LUytjwv l-OR PS', WALl '0 WALl CARi'LTINO AIR C.ONOlTIClNiNO T'JlAL Al'l'l lANtt'S KITCHl 4 LAUNDPY ROOW You' Own From 4 Pea' Yr4) Puois Also Available Spe'e Privacy-Convenenre LOVELL HOMES PAI SI-PINGS VILLAS Rl Pb 4 SI HIAlT AH FI A 10 AM -6 '10 PM DAILY I'llOM 6.1 1311 TaiRefront watntr. i7ou 111 Beautllul pool home, leeiurei I bed- Springs Club Tg- ij aM-lsS mtrke Own Sun liMfl Ml -flu, Ud uuvrm-y iM FHA 1 em rem, iwx, Iroorns. 3 bains, lamilv room, bai Ol IVIiemi Only $75,250 buys this 4 harirnnm i Owned homes 5-1-4 rrMm wuhhat aeibaii court, eil on "1 ecre. Assume KtAllltS RfcALTOR 143 000 morluaue. owner is desuer-, hJ.
M.l- A. Th.i 'Ike new from 1M0 down. Wei 4 Bedroom bam. enlrtl tlr Mini condition, teboloiil yard Children'! parailne Janet Really, Rcanw VM UAIJt VIO-KIM mak.nllari DADE 40 060 Associates Has It! tr ir -heal. It( Wttwood -Islet WeefcdAvt SM 1 KI NhlV RI TV INC uomiousr Paiq commliiion, bo monthly lekls-Sun l-41'M Jl-l'iJ Realldr Cade 671-2693 GOLF TENNIS SWIMMING Private Can Jot lopel, Reeiioi' fifr.
7j TTT Near Biscayne Bay 761 Hva Bivd lied Itl llli club stcurily guard. Laige 2 ben nurry won I tail la i tRA 'year warranty, 'ifr. 's Editor Mil-Ill Sa lt Realty Int Reallnr 411-3515 1 tm DOWN, lHA, bedroom Area el One-Lecae Dam, r-ia room, oaraue. Jote a i. 3 ULUHOOfA I Lam m.
lo, nr na 11 7 bath. roiiiiti ttub ol; ti I II IUI wvii VM Ideal (or newiywedt or rellreet, Cute 1 bedroom with air cond a 'id hent.l aDDiiAncet. la rue well keot lol. Suoarl BeauiHut home In beaulllul tree. 3 SSS 30)0 IMiaml $41,000 Call WAL TO SW I I3J Ave 41 SI Open I 1 'V Bail area in UMniir huvti 1 nvaiv 111 bed- Betl area In r-aniatiw buyi! Lovely 4 4 bed (10) Houte wilh Income.
-i im A 'rW bedroom 1 btlh. uearuom, 4 oain, family room, i car garage 4 rrjuch more. Betl buy in area tl riSiTc'1 REALTY INC csoiraii air, onnwatiier 14000! waving room model Some with pool. i-car garage, large lamily room, air 12-11 tala-lDll-Condominiums Associates Has Ith -W5Cah lake over 1230 monthly town yA4-iuo t-vev hi Bar It Del A Paiini-Doubie car garaget, Fully icond. 4 heal.
Priced lor quick salt it IALI 7H-K0 Polni Royaie RHy in. Real'ort Owners Savs "Sell" tempo, ahoc, vi rji equipped aiir.nent, lemily roomi, won't last! central air. camellna. menv t-lrai Aree ol Hlaleatl Open Eves TII9P6A 11-12 Sile-HorMi-tru 12 Are el Nerrhweil Counlv, Nerthnde.Jr Ceiieae North ll tmall. See Ihii bedroom MtyPalue Ultsi iriar- 4 bedroom 1 bam Hint home with! central air and heat, eat-In kitchen- iur BeauilljllV landscaped ton, tnrin-kieri Rum here! Won I taill AtKinol bjivime, on large lol 791 Johnson 51, Realtor: U-h tui'tnj, CAPITAL REALTY CO riorida and tamii 14 vow 4 up tan nniia wane Tft- iBO MywQ 'O weiiiona ntnn luv ountn, NOk THt, A r.lwlnr pet.
i.e'g lol f'la ealty Traderi 4-leH iumabia morluaue tDttom butll bv decorator owner 4 bedrooms, huge walk-in ciosett. liunhen living room, fireplace, lormal jdirtmg room, family room, den, iw High u.nT, VaPI LIU Pasadena Lakes ItBElLERiiy Reaiin, A.A ai i4. KAULt AL 1 INC "fj eii' iBUY OR RENT Vary aniou owner Varant 3 bedroom. i bj'b. tainiiv room plus den, roduced! 6 558-3010 Assnr lales Rltv Corp Realtors bm-iarpi-air icond-ail appliances illi Per month I ni'onlO "brdroom f' biilh, iwast-er, drver d'St-waitier, wilh tulomatic ice maker t'i i.rt E3-24 Sle-Tonhousei-lrel 24 1 IB IF Tsr 33 It Sheridan St.
Hywd hi i 16W tovfiy 3 bedroom bath homt 11.21 tata-Mani-irl 21 Tamtiv room, living room wtih Krt 1 BLDKOOM baih. oi urtuufii oain, "win, wtji-m riTtiipn, trmivg palw with many other eitrat. i'-'-iuui1: Fia room lmmfulatt 7 rwdroom bath. Uran mutt spii Gnnri orii a jufR Ja proiessior.decor. bedroom place on iuptr local ton.
Out bom a- trtl tl lt Fla room, (anrert mrnaw inl jean rry weallor 413-4111 bam, family room Include all ao- HI AVtOC. Crissys Solid Buys Downtown Miamt piiances. Owner tranlerred. Now ieanna Baker Inr Reallnr ll ls a. TorSale By Owner a- iu no ioniy i.
an immeaiaeiy t-i9T ws-7271 Ee! vaiieyDesi 4 Daini. 21x10 (ami-iwon 1 I Cutter Ranrh Estates. 3 Bedroom. 2 JRtMbNOOUjlY Wrge SPtnish 1-ilhooBT-n room, wmi r'HA-v iinouit LBS arue Immaculate 3 bedroom 7 bath wifn'tast unftt, ail apt mutf be so'd oain, sunken living room, lemily, Area el West Miami, South iiivinfl room or Vr. til Tin Reedv to go fieueni parquet ket yaioe utt floors, ceremic Tile terraces, wail- OWNER annous 7 bedroom 2 papered beths Fof details call a annul, diukut to juw Smith, iced tvOOO blow mar-1 Drive by 101 NW 32 nei ai room with lireplote 4 bar car custom lomily room, slate lloors, Horiens irage on ecrt isfvoo bays con-1', toiv llrepiare end built In ber el 630 'r oecoreied wilh umoue, lealures and eilras lor lull lamily: (IT petmg and drapes.
Large eat-in ann 'i UL oe ea i in '''i ivu bath, cenlral air, garage. Riviere DfihommicH Aisoc. tves frptr TrMiinriAl tra FMA LOW OOWN VA NO Nlct 2 bedroom, baih ScParatt trt-law auanari, Scretnd porcn 3 Bedroom 1 bath FH. ro a'aa. oii-n sun iu 3.
Liuauui J3-3J i i i -l i uns 5 uw uuoc imvn Miia aei vnc no auents nion S4u mc-'i. v'-l'VU IJO.TW. lljIIl ISll I i kitchen, screen paiio Owner "A i nmr lrna. uiny 1-21 Silt-Nttiei-irti 21 The Keyes Co-51st Yr ftneed vtrd I3LW0. Can 685-1431 4 bedroomTz appreciate.
I BYOWNER new lerred-LowssEHVYA. "pENThouse tVJU mucn more JVusi ie to no eioung no quaiitying r(Tl 'I Yon-Srtt mucn more Must see to iiuiinu fty i uaniying, Assoc Rtty Corp Realtors Area el Kemet Pernne VV nag realty inc. go Rgg pQ ajia montni pain, unen svi.uw can 665-jv it van gfVMrt -mi) HANDYMAN SHCCiAL tl AAOUFt VAN iu Asking ik fitt Salt-NtMti-lrta 27 CBS 3 Vb.droom'l.Vb.Jh, Vnckntd; Mroi j'baih rooV 14,000. Cfe- ST API FS Iw Realtor caroori on corner ot Priced n- ffiin nnn n-wc- n.wi' Area ef KentfaH'Perrirte Il-ll Salt-Htmti-trei II Area el Miarru Lakes.Pelm Springs Nerlh, Country Club Ol Miami tht mm JL Inr It pa1 tars VA appraisal Bring your panl iia 9no ianione ut-en -a. oeoroom Large kitchen, family room.
nltW AsirtTi Richardl Cutler Rtdee 1901 Bncken Ave. lib-3230 sa, Townhouitt Arte 1 bruch 4 S76 530 4 VA or HA Seiier pavs all closinj Cons. 3 lovely bedrooms, Eal-I kitchen. Big lol In Renee Bins 685-5108 RttllOf "Rttglli Not Promises OUR BFST BUY Vacanl 3 bedroom, 2 bath, i car extras galore JESSE H. WEST Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 batn with cen Area Weitchesler to DAdeMnd jaraye, family room, on a targe tot 'vv rWm, um ia.yc,'ui.
It.iT -i- MUST Ll ON HAY 7 Bedroom, lamily room, acreenedl 766-4611 or Boten 63 lj The Keyes Co-blst Yr Hi 1.1,1 Hi I 4,1 111,1, 7 icaned beTiutWuiivV loT; ifuVt un'" 1 bedroom 1 bath luxury nrind ho Associates Has It! oa i io, central tir, carpel, mucn B3S-490S apt on Bavshore Dr. Owner has Pur-lbPfiriiom 2 bath, all appliatHi-s chased. new home, will consider aiHniaii down assume mortgage. 12631 i bedroom. baaiillLillv d.rn-l i'J''- ROGERS RLTY INC ICorat Qablf i ffeaitort 443-7473 I 4 SCRFFNFn pnm ipiTin "mm tr, r.
i 'v nr 22I-63BI oHrs. See today. Call Webb Interna H.vd 91 1775 B.llv Inr 374-53J4 bedroom cerport eniras garage, 4 bedroom 3 bath, French rated, central tir, oversned corner shopping- schools, "0WNI-6" T. rr-' nwo nivn mort. 133,500 WHISPERING PINES iVerv clean 3 bedroom btth, ctr Iporl, ir cond.
J43.900 I ERA I tpi, sprinkler system siyto kma street sr access to i-v3 tawfaLLE wily Realtor 947-3571 tarnny room, dining room, Priced to go fast. S52-900 tves f) Owner Must breakfast room 4 master bedrnnm Aniiout owner. 136,900 KlfT OlIAl ic vTiliT "Associates Has It 130 SUNRISE AVE 271-4S9I Fha-va tklras! Call Associates Riiv Corp Realtors 4 haHrnnm 9 hAlh nnnl almntl new Story Do, jDle-Volume, Onen ERA Move In ioo down tssume gnod Isl mortgage. Large 3 bedroom home, lenced, tppiiances. Tue root 3-2 POOL 3 bedroom 7 baih, walk to schools.
AMiime mnrloaoe ol 179 600 Fori MFNDLESON RLTY INC -CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN 2 bed- E1-83 Silt-Homes ttti 13 trti tl Onlt-PlantttitB 2 ACRE ESTATE bt'dfiied beuroum Dam, jde- DESPERATE amenitiei. Oder room condo. Isl lloor unit, et-in rofil iirui more oeiai's tan t. taiaerwouo, ncec i jj rt i Soiltv Kmrur Diir. i "nooo'nv 4 minuie io i urnpme, 3 T3'5ery'r? CO Realtors In .95 In lln.ver.
nju'i'n pavs an nurry can now Kml' 467-4B27. Alter hours e6S-SI44 At Chkfir 'mtiv utility cv'uiai ir neai, low yig 651 55? room, room, carpel It Can htCmo wti i neany neanor ISO's CIRCULAR pool, siiv Dr. Firsl lime ottered. Owners LUiourorMuc ERA NA-VA fenced, 3 bedroom 3 ba'h. 11120 wants all otters.
Asking fUKurious 3 bedroom bath if ATct-wn WiAMt Laet Bv Owner hnrn rn nnuatt AT UP 173 Ter. 379 4S6 Dv owner middle HA-VA YE 1 ft 41 I IE For Ihe money. Heavy Insula- linn means low electric bills SOUTH DADE RLTY IN fsnnknn iivino room, riinino rnnm Ala.intt.Cantiiiminiumt BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM-2 baHv pool. 2 car oa REDUCED' MUST BE SOlIJi' Ultra-Cui'empord' 2 bedrcom Skrliytits beams, Me. lormai dining dr-n, ir jiy one-u-a -kind Musi see1 IjO's Riiewav Prop Inc Reaiior CRISSY REALTY.
INC upen uavs Keaitors AlP.HC tT nnany e.rra. La Bf I "687510 FT 6 lvj nr 31 SJaMcru mniiry ruuui, rui wo'ur. Panelled family room, kitchen and breaklasi room overlook Tdrta21 0270 tHvdl foSY0 EXTRS' intN ALL Area ol Coral Gables big pool. Quiet street tli.SOO. On Acre-S Bedroom 4 deluxe baths 774-ZI SUN5F1 Pii'kTotidroofn garage.
breaklasi room, lamily rooms, dy- Esslinger-Wooten-Monwell, Inc namic home Asking 1169 500 7 ll! ERA BER BR( Realty Inr Realty Inc 1 Rpriffwim 1 hlh ll rirrii.n onta'ial 18 MIAMI LAKES EAGLE NEST 1553 San Ignacio Realtors 467-88711 Jeanne Baaer Inc Realtor MEMBER BROKER $69,500 Frontier Homes Prestige Realtor DON'T ANSWER THIS AD Unless you're interested in a charming older home 1 IS years) in fantastic area with lots of living space 4 privacy. Split level 3 bedroom 2' a bath new kitchen, pool room, weioar, cenirei air-heat, 7 car garage, eiceieni condition, 1141,500 Owner-Broker 641-2579 4 444-4444 fresh pamt, qua: ty aopi'ances. pool. ROYAL green on can' pets allowed, will consider rent-op- an api 'mnct'i large fenced yard. AH fton Io buv.
LeJeune rVanor Huge Rooms-Hurry! ANCHELL REALTY INC 1151 NW 1 19 SI, Rca tors 6R8 6671 NEAR 1(5 1 SI 4 NW I Ave Low FHA or no VA down no closing cosii. Live in rear 3 bedroom 2 Dam CBS, rent front 2 bedroom. Nice 4 cteen, vou must see et 30 S00' SI-3'76, Bright 19 ly Inc. Realtor 4 BEDROOM 2 baih, screen patio, BRAND NEW inuu, kui I'a'Jt. "y'.
mu uy owner SW LeJeune Rd. Can 2v-bu4 any-" Models at IM Ave 4 Griffin Rd. 3 Desirable Locations Available Deoe 944-4959 Brwd. 434-6914 NEW 5 bedrooms, smgie family homes 4 bedroom 2 bath, central nr. Itml-1, lv-dinino-breakiest rooms.
2 ctr ga-Pi77rs7 7 7 7III Builders model 3 Bedroom, both, garage, central air-heal, iealm kitchen, with range, dsh- Eves t.U raoe. 1791 147' LOI. tlOSt in. Lleanl I4.4.U4. 4.
4 4.... Lol. CWkt In. Cieanf WfcU ARPE T. EALTQRS Model: open from 10AM-ePM 170 I 666-1984 tvhKtmr tno re at caroei a ii i k-t5(7 tjfajl Htf -VVMWVIMIfMMtltaj OAK Hill New 4 bedroom 2 baih, 9.
manv nim BRAND NEW 3 bedroom 7 bath (E3-26 Salt lownhouset Arts 21 Urea of Southwest Dade Co LaCH'NO Nf Ofove viitas utar Kpnij-iie La Country Club 2 4 3 Ofrtroonn ilip roof only units, 10 J1'9 S00. financing Nfjfiry Ttifoba Inc. Raalior wed ftSrSSSSv. KSX acre, double garage, nrd rre double oaraaa. $23j00" 5Z5 Mavorca Open 1-5 779-5527 42M PFNT PI ACF Area Westchester To Dadeiand 21 CENTURY bin wikawak ckkwt e.ra.
iqi- MIAMI LAKES PROPLRTIFS -SINC 121-1 13( Central Gables a. ttttrhatn leVrt i P'Wg TP 7 JLrlJ UBOf OfJ-BWI THE LASTHUUSr pic yvnfiMPi ll pij I. 'it wpanors PIF -ihAocH oaradise wide Cteen Movt In Urge 2 bedroom car- Broker rrt eilras nPFlt R'ty p.annf ERA canal 117 kidnev lighted seawall, That you wilt want to see is here on; inai wr i SalC'LeaSe OD 1 1 Ofl NEW roof, air conds. cenlral WATERTRflNT MIAMI LAKES BY OWNER trjinm 1 twrirmm bulb, reramir an ACRE. Beautiful BRAND NEW 3: FONTAtNEBLEAU Park Owner moving North, iVu-t sf-'i this week 2 Dedroom 2 batn, top floor, on the Golf Course, screened oorch, many extras Assume mortgage 223-499 PFG Ut MANN REALTY INC l-'l-l 'REALTOR 3 BROWARD COUNTY E3-35 tp pxii nvn Mifrn- wcut vum won- nn i 4fjz-100 too siove.
11-11 Salt-Htmet-lrta 13 Area el Norland. Andover, Sierra, Lake lucerne 16 5 000 wwner wih assist in nntnemg REALTOR home. Entire home opens Spacious 3 bedroom 7 bath lakefront wave, lamily room, circular drive, N0 (-LOSING, oarage, $60's, 961-0357 'O'down Southland Pines 44A-25H4 onto iy JOB nrtft.n.,;. til? nrth lUIP doupie home Newly painted, carpeted, 4 i23t Ponce de Leon decorated Heated pool 4 many t- ffill 4 n.a ISWNER" 3 bedroom bath, Terr iras di-iiii Associates Has It! den, Fie room, lurn, 3998 J' lift MS-4MI'b bedrooms, 7 beths, 'amilv room, i j-e-35 i pool, covered patio, GE appliances. Modern Design 4 bedroom 2 bath Rent until closing, 155,900.
Cell John RUSIICbbAuTr YOU will love this rancher wilh 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, high beam ceilings 4 freplace. air cond. heal, new 157 500 For Ann! 448- 'tTIWWKST'' Sali-lrj-nhautei-lria 43 Area ol Fori Lauderdale CHOICE Kings Creek location I bedroom rnndn 667-1021 "7 BLUT ii uL 2 PeUroorn 2 baih. Si 1 1 Associates Has It! pi i pp day ri fKiwr. hrontier Homes WATERF RONT BY OWNER POOI room for fennil 11 15.000 V.H-it llltr Knur, lie- hnu fxn 1 Katrfri-snm 1 halh lavilh GABLES Bv The Sea.
new dock 44' fool. Well 4 pump, fenced, privacy ON FENCED LOT. Lovely 3 bed owe! tn winni kcal i iml, im room olui car DOM no pre lAnrl.ran,nn room hnnu nau r.rMlma r. i. (direct tO bflV.
DO bridOei. COmer lot. hedoe. Professional mpman assoc 7JJ-JI, 251-94; ERA IWinmn 71-949 Kfc al 1 0Kj -B6ii oavment. VA no I down tail Models al 188 Ave 4 GnPin Rd.
3 Desirable Locations Available E2-26 Salt-iptl-Condominiumv Dade 944-8859 Brwd. 4J4-69S4 1... ae SI5.OO0 1971? NW 5 Place 65? 5917 lorn drapes. Family room, eal-in tround S.OOd so ft, yard, screened Brwd 98 1 -9180 Dade 621-98B1 Associates Rlty Corp Realtors porch, 3 bedrooms 2 beths. car ga-1.
"fg ran. central air askmo over "00 assume mortgage. $25 Pavi '--fJ-TL a.0-'; Call 233-1796 Owner Area ol Southwest Dade Why Pay Rent!" MiLiien lui 930-uju Associates Pity Corp Realtors i iiPi.1 n.n SOUTH DADE RLTY INC Onen 7 navs ReAltnr 74 Mrs i.i lOVb Boiia Visfa Ave. Bv appt oniy.i KtuuLtu seoroom i pa-n sedroom 7 oath. When vou can buy with no money Tired of rem, need more soace, less ecre waterway, lenced.
161.500 'uu i in r- i mw nwn.F I 1 down th-s 2 bedroom like new home soace' Wha'tever your needs or reaturing brand new rarontma nf. 3 ACRE I raroetmu 1.. 1 ACRE 753 Manas Grove Old eee mr icr. eves. -i i POOL $33,500 Plantation Acres 3 Bedroom bath, 20x1? family Superb Country home nestled among room, air cond.
heat Great location, mature trees on oeauMui lenced VA 0 down, FHA 1800 acre-b bedrooms 3 bams, oversiied Hills Pool $52,500 I TOO! Dade 940-3'0l Brwd 584-3330 newly painted oul, atl aoplianc- home'to meet rie.e needs, priced Cutler Rd 2 home 1250,000 154-3035 Counlv SACRif iCt LAKEFRONT VILLA MUST SELL THIS WEEK" 12 0O0 BFLOW WHAT I PAID 7iq-inq E2-2T Sale-lDti-Condominiums- JUST LISTED! es. well 4 pump, fenced vard 4 car from J22.9O0. Call 813-9774 NEAR Flaoler 7 lar oe home ov winw va port. VA FHA 221 Special. Wt have il-ooos room 2 bain, poot, oaiio, eat 1161,500 5260 NW 2 Terr 66 ERA otntrs inew condition, poo', recreation.
Sac ir 1 fe E3-49 Sale-Townhouiei Urea 41 Area ol Hollvwood HOLLYWOOD BEACH OCEANSURF NEW VILLAS TOWNHOMES 100 From O-rean 7 Bedroom v.iias 4 x-n Townnouses Eves Weekends 989-1991 A DeLHio Realtor -1808 She-ma'. Hvwe Fl 33020 3 BEDROOM 2 bath each noor oul ing rooms ut nl A.n elegant 3 bedroom 7 bath sVraroarJS everyone's i(ir'" "ornel Priced Io sell. For de-t Domimcis Assoc. ililv room iarw "J' WB'Uv'n air MURRAY system ') acre WFICE OpEN SAT-SUN" SKY REALTY INC. 5AM OE LOACH, INC RFALTORS 823-9774 Haas.
Inr 67 '5'6 Pea'1 REALTOR Ar27 16 5' 7JJ-377J 274-5630 eves 733-3938 SUNSHINE Ranches. Counlr rut.4SiUM vvaiK Mnuui) won i iai: Open Eves Til 9PM 4 BEDROOM 2 baih Plan, exl Tl 1 n. n.i. BY OWNER corner 3 bedroomT Sala.Nanet.lraa 74 I Area of KendaH-Pernne- 3 D.e4r-La Homes. 2 bedroom 2 ba'h on Acre.
3 bedroom 1 bath on 2 iii nr-infi I ta nrsalA 1ilu iure Keaity, inc ba'h ceiienl schools, cul-de-sac. pool 4 flR lABVeS LOO I ST II Area at West Miami.Seuth mi jonnson si, 8i00 NW patio. 193,500 Principals only. nu; 7i 5719 -7 Brwd Miami kenoaii Mall Realtor 274-5630 jyju agents. v5j-3uaq 4 BF DWOC1M 3 bath low l.lQ't TAKE YOUR PICK 4 bedroom oool home or 3 bedroom 2 i bain 2 l'ory villa Must sell 740 NW 183 SI.
Realtors 657-7000 BUY TODAY MOVE IN TODAY Sunken living room, 3 bedroom 2 beih. ail appliances, garage frch-No qualifying S30W down A Sresnaftan, Rea'lor 681-8573 3 BEDROOM 7 baih Iri-ievel with finished basement in Norwood Priced fo sell $42,900. 18840 NW 11 PRICE R.umT FOR YOU AND REDUCED 15000 Crag Realty Inc Realtors 253-3000 3-2 (ei-to nmuinmi) STADLER bedroom 7 bath home with 1 Year warranty 7 bedroom I ba ex ra larap iivma u.ati i x. eta. a.
tiuais i nrii Tit iam tn-iewi or incomer MPeraie PALMETTO goi course wining room tai-in Rucnen. flen an(J bar An rooms Oversized. II I Khfl I 1 IM I 'entraxe Large bedroom oeth Low 1301. WW nisjin inivvui iifc.riii mv family room wnn wet bar, gai garage Realty Inc pali0 porch, 140' deep lot with truii Sale-Homet-lrea 751-8516 Condo 7 bedryoms, pa'o. pool.
133,000 (911) STADLER 823-8660 workshop, Zoned R-7, In tne REALTORS Ave 653-369 tor appt Area of Boca Raton BIG 3 bedroom like new 132,000 331 tv.v i I Open Eves Til 9PM CHINELLY Real Esiale Inc CALL CLASSIFIED iMorano Rlty 324-2707, 325-091: Associates Has It Miami Lakes ERA LIVE in beauMul Boca Raton. For 375 Miracle Mile 4517 Hollywood Blvd Realtors 966-4400 Hywd 625-8263 Miami sale bv owner 4 bedroom 3 oath re I Owner Transfered Neat 4 clean 3 bedroom. 2 bath. Cently redecorated home Many ex-'mmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmHLwmmmmmmmmmmm tras. On land locked canal.
Small Sjla-4Dts. Condom niums. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY RENT? When you can build equity" Brand New Custom Built From $35,999 VA NO DOWN FHA LOW DOWN 953 Conventional Available Also Including Private Swim 4 Tennis Club, Bicycle Path. Picnic Area, A COMMUNITY WITHIN THE RIDGES Drive South on Old Cutler Road to SW 208 St. Models Open Daitv 11AM-7PM 7S3-147 1 Davt 595-6709 vet fishing.
5 minutes to 195. family room, many extras, uuiet high school, hospitals shopping, id Area 29 E1-36 Sale Homes Area 36 Area of Cooper City 4 herirnrim hath hrnnn street, nign pint area, low sw s. minuie 10 Deacn. uien py appi, ei io Area of Kendatl-Perrine duiii iTj. cenira air ana neai, $Bj 4B9 -0014 -if tr Stii New Custom Built SUPER HOME-SUPER PRICE Immaculate 3 bedroom, 7' i bath Just reduced in the 130 s.
Large 3 Vina on secluded park-like quiet bedroom 2 bath, eai-in kilchen. Fit street, walk Io Lake, Must see JiO's 1 TRICOLI REALTY INC TOPS both large Fla room 4 Screened Sala.Hanaa.lraa II porch, 5 air conds, carpet 4 drapes, 5le-r10tne-rt 11 utility ihed, fenced lol 4 sprinkler Area ol Hiaieah Jack Rlrhardsnn Reallv Inr PALM SPmNoS Realty Service Co Realtors BY owner ooen 9-5 5930 SW 46 St. Big house 4 bedroom 7 bath 70x72: Fla room convenient to everything 666-3102 VA-FHA 129.900 Beamed ceilings throughout Grovevi bedrooms, panelled den, near UM DON CAPIN REALTOR 445-8892 3 BEDROOM CBS oak floors 535,000 7320 SW 19 Terr. 261-0818 I tatifornia 3 kilchen. Call for further information.
lend- Open Eves Til 9PM 'ornia stv'ed home, low $90'1 room, 2 ba'h, family room, la ed bv architect, oaks. etc. AMERICAN WAY styled home, low $90's. Bedroom, 2 ba'h, family room, ov arcnneci, paKs. eic, scapeo CHINELLY Real Estate Inc (ll tf UTIttHTVtONOOMIHIUMj I 101 Slf mpi COUNTY 6901 Johnson St Realtors 963-4100 Brwd 674-0300 Dade 14537 NW 7 Ave Broker 688-6431 Ao showpiece, 4 bedroom.
OLDER 2 story, 1st 900 cash West BUILDER SPECIAL LAST UNIT Make Us An Offer 3 bedroom, 1' i ba'h, corner condo unit Full kitchen appliance, quaMv carpeting. Great toca'ion. So. Diie Hy US), Beiiview Dr al SW 197 St (Point Rovai EasM REALTY INC 233-2353 1 4-3-5 BEBS55VT takes if as n. 665-398 TilLlSW MAGNIFICENT 3 BEDROOM 2 bath bv owner 1 TRICOLI REALTY INC FROM $100 DOWN the heart of Kendall, formal living Drvu nnimi r.ARar.F f7.D7 Sale.iatt-Canaaniiniiiilll Near-Sw 8 st-73 ave wl ww.ww.w TA5TTEFULLY decorated Super GREEN KEADOWS: Messana's Construction C.
Inc. Custom Built Homes Acre; Sites 3 Bedroom 1 Bath 2 Cor Garage $54,990 Dade 620-9686 Broward 434-5728 trilfii Rd. I SW 164 Tar. 871-8184 spSCious 4 bedroom 7 bath. I917, separate dining room 4 bedroom 7 batn, large spacious nj ANYONE CAN BUY VA RESALES tSi DEEP einiov quiei sireei, 1 oeoroom 1 lamily room.
car garage, On over ramiiy room 1, screeneo rpoms, huge lot, tremendous eat-in PARK 300 Circle Dr bedroom 2 bath Plus Apt carport, ine rooi, concrete sued lot. ou'door pool wnn custom incnen wnn oreakiasi kilchen. sprinklers, service anev, rea 01 isev oiscavne all a Ai va seis properties without discrimmat'on 1 100 down 1 Huue Corner Lol-MLS-Cail us "uori, new many noocnee Decking sime, oeameo area, -many e-'ras near scnoois e. many extras, won last asking nuye yorner coi rviLP ta'ius roe tat rair.uvrra.aA-.iru- All Inr enh nM'iAhnnna SkO't 595-fMlkl 2 BtCkOUM 2 baih wan beacn llrees, large lot. Call Guv Craig Assoc screened palio.
All for 169,900. Oon'l 'snooping Hi ioO's 595-0061 mav not re tare to this area 8(7-4345 floB.iOi eves miss! 1 nn r-i Ru'h Beal Assoc eves 3 Benroomi lenced caroorl no's 3-7 POOL 1 3 Benrooms tenced raroi Knnprr naw hps tv blewsrhv Realtors I U.ntnwn Iv tnr lor 771-ltnn Craig Realty Inc Realtors 253-3000 3 bedroom 7 baih, ekceiient family 1, t. 1 UM IU11 ISwUllI ERA 1-ci kjc a au 0 6 6391 SW 36 SI home loeal tor entertaining tnends 12-04 SaH-ptl-vOoominiumi Located in the heart ot Hills. Asking vjj igfut. norne Deoruom i nam Laroe 4 Clean AUGUST 4 INC Willi VJJtJJJ isa.
lAsav kn- E2-32 Salt-tpls-Condominiums-Iria 32 Area ot Homestead-Florida Citv-Redtandi 3 Bedroom 7 bath New Area ol Miami Beach.Norfh RFA TOR '95-023? riM.rnr.: 1 LrJ I. en. flANFfi HFPFRATF ly Room central Air 4 Heal 4.iira"l,ji Paint in 4 kier Svs'em P'iva'e Wood Fence Kf1Si. ii ncedrignt Screeneo in cnaitanoocnee Patio 4, a Pool. New kilcnen 4 Appliances ATTRACTIVE Corner Home 4 Pa Oul.
Near park 4 school. Pi NO UALIFY-5 BE 'OM oaneiiea iam room, moaern Kiicn-'Wiicr reiutannu wm mlihuc ONE ien, many extras, landscaped fenced bedroom condo. Walk to. Fashion at 137,900. VA-FHA.
FRED MARTIN Realtor PRICED LOW-OWN POOL-12955 SW 657-9600 Barrel iiie root 4 Many other extras' Mother-in-Law'i apt. Huge living 4 I of a kind Priced below Bank Ao-'dming rooms, 4 kitchen. Privately NARANJA Ldk 5701 COLLINS AVENUE 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH FURN IOI. MahC Otter, VA-r-MA. La" Maria nur everyinmii.
4mn 1-2 7 Sale-Homes-trea 27 Area of Kendall-Pernne-I Cutler Ridne Margaret Assoc 261-8030 2 bedroom 1 xifii sauna, eti 89o Lewis, assoc 647-4827, After hoursi 13.) bath storage area. All amenities, large rooms, full Cnn unim ii praisai lc.7,500 For appt cail Owner enclosed patio, wasner-orver, 1 re- ioi.tqo Ifriaaralnrt. 7 hedrnnm 1 tukth nauw E. Rosen Rily Realtor 764-8049 24-HJa rn Real TORS 6740 TA 04U I A Foreclosures! 3 4 4 bedroom homes, Income Prop- As low as 1300 down. Call us or information on how to buv FRED MARTIN Realtor 657-9600 r- I al.
R.ltllCH, V.I IWDtH, WU VI wii 7. draDes 4. caroel 151 500 i.757t 1 SPACIOUS HOUSE 625-6902 (Miami) owner musl sell, call tonti- 981-0270 (Hywd! AecnriotoC H'ae tl 448-8470 davs67Ave 4 28 St area. OPEN Sal-Sun 3-7. 3 bedroom E2-35 BROWURD COUNTY riwOUwiUlww I lug ll.
iasuOwu ibm remodeled kitchen, formal dm- ERA iikiiioi neai'y vuiii diu- ker, days 358-6767, eves 932-6767 7Tst-n6rmanDyTslE SOUTH DADE RLTY INC Open 7 Days Realtors 24 Hri, N.W. peauliful 3 bedroom, Foirlawn School! bedroom 7 beih1" room, wait wail carpet, over-2 baih home on lake. Screened pool carpeiing-awning hedoe for privacy. Ouief nieahbor- MFMP.FR BROKFR 1 bedroom 1' baih, pool, enclosed patio, central air, modern kitchen, E2-43 Sile-Jpts-Condomimums room-? car oaraae-lovelv oatio- In patio. Laroe lol.
Laroe 3 bedrnnm shODS bus school. Prestige Reallv Realtor ifenced-owner will finance-or VA ru.r ihnnninn (''ii rVkfl hood but near shopping. East of USI 16,800 9261 SW 16! St. 232-0907 Area 43 WALL JUrlNbUN. Kt ALIOKS 34? OCEAN OR 32 Pool Low $40's BY OWNFRS 1 1 10PM 666-18H qbt IPJ oceanfront! Area of Fort Lauderdale Like new i bedroom 7 bath, wilh screened in patio.
Ler.Br,' lot. AH modern appliances. FHA-VA. Associates Rlty Corp Realtors ADRIENNE REALTY INC. I NE 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, Fla.
room, 2070 NE 163 St Realtor 944-7344 icorner lot, ground pool, fenced vard, "TTCBftOOM 5 bath oarage kitch- wlk ,0 hoois. M.d $40's 6484 6 WIS MM Custom 3 bedroom 2 bath huge pool liVH-7nfln I nro 3 hArirnom. 7 hath nni inrr.r. CHARMING 7 bedroom bath. pano -car garage acre ot Udi low I60's 9200 SW 176 St 251-3742 A MINI MANOR A 3 bedroom doll house with all appliances including laundry.
Huge master bedroom, hideaway den. Only 134,500 wilh financing to suit vou. BUY VA, FHA, ANY WAY 3 bedrooms, 2 baths split plan, large kitchen, large corner lot. Priced to sell tasl at 131.500. Don'l miss this one-call now! with pool, familv room, air cond 1614 WFST AVE WUST seil my Pe heat, eal-in kitchen, bedroom, large "terrace, pool, near R'dye waierfronl 2 Bedroom con-, washer 8.
drver, drapes. Walk to Rd Must sell vertitx? apt irgm 966-1006 family room, screened Porch, fire-piece, exposed beamed ceilings, large private fenced yard. Reason- Ave. tn equipped fenced pump spnn I 1 a. ,1 I rtlAI A CCI lAlOTlAU Coral Reef Estates emeniary scnooi Beach Real Estate BKR 672-1500 T7TTTT FHA-VA W3.900 low down 19845 3 bedroom newly remodeled 665-6BV eves 1 Inhrttnn Wt ireel OCEAN pool 1 bedroom V7 bath, aie-piJ-uonaominigm- Miami Ave 1-981-6231 teae on'mn Brwd 963-6260 Dade 670-1888 bath many exTras M604 in 90SMCiou 4 betJroom- 3 homf on down.
590 corneP tcrt Manv feafures jn- -a'-e turn 7ht Co'i'ns trta 44 Near 27 Ave i NW 170 5' I AT rWAWrP 71 tWI mm big3bfdroom7bath tl-l saie-Hm-rei 1 jYt 33 fludina iolit hrtrftnm mn utftwl 7 Bedroom 1 bath, eves. 962-0610 Area of Hallandale, Pembroke Park FHA or VA, Ok. Area ol fine homes. Area ol Miami Springs, 738-5803 DADELANDACRE I paneiieo lamity room, isiano kticnen, iseoara'e breakfast room. S8 1,500.
Maria Lewis, assoc 67i627. Virqima Gardens 3 HOMES! KAY-LOWY LEFF INC E2-05 Salt-lpli-Condominiumi-area OS Area ot Surfside.Bav Harbor, Bal HarbouMndian Creek Village Gallery of Homes Soaoous Inside out. Hardwood UL I UKS snaov trees, gooo scnoois, quiet. Ke-trigerator, range, 3 air conds, awnings. lOOklOO corner, brick palio, BBQ.
751-3776 Brignl Rlty Inc RED CARPET, REALTORS Aiier nours if4-wj6 NEW ON THE MARKET 3 Bedroom-? Bafh-Garaae ttoors, fireplace, 3 bedroom 2 bath, formal dinina room hrAktiit room LA MER, sate secuie on the ocean, 7 extra larye bedrooms. 2 baths, convertible. Beautifully (urn, motivated owner must sell, furn or unlurn 970-7054 All 7 bedroom 1 bath with family room. All have air cond. heal 4 more.
All very clean. Asking 130,500 ERA Oversized Lol on Golf Course Associates Has It! MIAMI HEIGHTS. Low down B8 5-6116 roorni screened patio, 2 car ga- rye wnn wornsnoo area, uwner 3 BEDROOM Vi batn doiihouse Mfs Isenberg, Assoc eve 175,900. Drive by 18110 NW 75 Ave. BLEWS Rily Realtors Owner 774-9030 MUST SEE1 10 WUjVTO tail today! Nfc rt 0ao area w.ulHrbour shopping Clr 443-4683 5 Realtor 1601 NW 77 Wav F.j Dade 621-3737 Brwd 967-3400 pavmenl ideal 2 bedroom starter home.
FHA VA I20's. Hurry! Call Jean Berry Realtor 442-414) SOUTH DADE RLTY INC Open 7 Davs Realtors 24 Hrs. 2 LARGE HOMES-ON-3 DU-PLEX LOTS-SEE. 3783-91 SW 26 ST. PRINCIPALS OWNER-573-0317 Associates Has It! Associates Rlty Corp Realtors MOVE TO ANDOVER 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, family room, 3 bedroom 2 baihs pool, air-heat, carpel, many ex-central air-heal.
Mid (lfas. 1 hWinmi 1 hlh nonl MIAMI SPRINGS REALTY HOLLYWOOD HILLS! E2-06 Salt-Hpli-Coddoniiaiumt trea OS 1.41 ACRE 3 bedroom 2 bath car- 3 E2-4S Silt-tplt-Condominiums-- Ira 49 I Area of Hollvwood I 1 bedroom 2 inU baiii ititu hour. facinglnlracoas'a 970-2790 AT HOLL YBROOK 2 bedroom. convertible Bv owner 431-5578 k)N QUIET CORNER In professional pets family room garage $60 iwiiinmrnrwi a kMrisAm I isitn Super Buy BEAUTY wilh aii irop'c Kfc inc Keanor 663-4BBI Pools POOLS! Area of Sunnv Isles.GcHden Beach.Golden Shores familv rm, screened oaiio and ii ARGE POOL POOL 3 BEDROOM 1 baih 6 years old IMANY EXTRAS' High assumsble Kioyu. ivvu ivy 114 i.
at uruiuuin uoi'i, lamiiT iw'm, i i ssocates Rlty Corp Realtors spacious Dft YOUR OWN THING eat-in appliances, carpeting, LY, GOLF 4 TENNIS CLUB ortgage low jws. mus i itLL! Conlon Rlty Inc Realtor 253-3552 140 500 ON A A I in i -i' imnacuiaie 00 facilities. 932-0911 'Hollybrook-2 bedroom-2 Baih cor- 3 4 BEDROOM HOMES FROM 4 Models. Prices include central air heat, fas range, refrigerator, frtew, disposal, clothes washer, siijj carpeting. Yt, F.H.t.
I Conv. Financing. Builders GRANADA HOMES AT CHERRY BATE N.W. 199 St. 1 27 Avenue' Near Calder Racetrack Models Opea Bail Phone 620-7723 St Mabla Espanol rter-dssume morlyaye-431-461? A I Condition 3 bedroom oarage Dot-liene Assocs 264-5225 Peico prpo inr Realtor 557-680Q BUILDER SACRIFICES Low $50s Great House.
Excellent Structural condition in choice Village of Ken-dale. Needs decorating but an excellent buv. Seller molivaled. VA-FHA or conventional $50's 443-7406 room for lennis court. Central air-i4a Curtiss Pkwv Realtor 888-7477 heal, 2 car garage.
Low 160's I MIAMI SPRINGS 1251 FALCON 4 bedroomi 7 baths, 2 car garage. Transferred owner says sell. Spo-walertronl, family room, cen-Icteus 3 bedroom, split plan, 14x20 tral air, applicances, carpets, new, Master. Large Closets formal dining, room, low eai-in kilchen. Panelled family room.
7 car carporl in rear. Large lot. Air-3 bedroom 2 bath beauty on large, cond, plus attic fan, Many more ex-corner lol, lenced. 1 car garage, 2 Iras, Al Fernandez Assoc 264-3200 car carport, immaculate throughout.1 Midtown Rlty Inc Realtor 223-3100 Central air. 15x22 family with 2 bath caroorl cen-peneiing, beautifully landscaped bio lot 885-2206 HILLCREST-Large 2 bedroom.
UU I- Wk-WflM flUT ibath condo on tirst tioor. ownei "Whispering Pines Great Value-3 race 7'; mortgage, PoolJAfix'oys! Aventura Resales. Broker 2 bath, family room, all appliances sprinklers, best Pool home at price, in $50's. 3. Grant St 53rd Ave.
Great location 3 bedroom 2 bath, family room, eat-In kitchen. Garage, carpeting drapes, sprinklers, vacant, offers, PALMVIEW REALTY INC. 1397 Sheridan Realtor Miami Lang uev lorp E1-2S Salt Homei Urea 25 Area Westchester te Dadeiand bedroom 1 bath-cedar shake accents kitchen-plus screened patio. Don't miss this one. rer roftm.
Hfsft-6v il-31 Salt Kernel Area 31 Jeanne Baker Inc Realtor $2,500 Cash Down E2-S7 Salt-tpli-Condominiums-trta SI Area of 238-5811 BYOwneeoomTlhh carpet appliances air cond large shed fenced vard. Must sacrifice t17-sn jattiim mnrnnm nl 1. c'aRLUCCIrIaLESTATE INC i NEW. LISTING 'bedroom 1 baih Hywd 966-7300 Oade 675-1414 $17,995 Studio apt Dr a i fifi a- ci joi no ana it vino low i. i New Homes Kendall dining room, kilchen, lerrace.
jrea 01 Norm Lauderdale, mortage 856-6779 Tamarac WCML. I P-IJ" r-. Q.L LARGE 2 Bedroom CBS on Heavi- no Qualifying no dosing costs 3-2 Pool $36,900 mm ist st wuz per month pavs all 22 1 5W 12 EXCELLENT LOCATION 4 bedroom 2 5 baths 171,500 3 bedroom 169,000. Estate lots. Trade up.
3 bedroom 2 baih all extras ily Wooded 2 Acre near Bay, Stores, Nice area 129,500. 667-5282 lOwner Ll diS'SM 947-3571(3 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, central LaB ELLh Rlty Realtor assoc L. smnn eves m-isn AETNA Rltv Inc Realtors 667-4617 115 000 VILLAGE GREEN HERLONG Rt'tv Realtors 888-8404 E1-32 Sale-Homes-Area 32 WH-7169. 3 bedroom 7 baih wilh E2-07 Salt-plS-Condominiumt screened pool, slide, diving ki board, air cond. heal VA 0 down.
No closing cosis. Fenced vard. Call lori Area ol North Miami Beach, details, i Sky Lake.lves Estates Open Eves Til 9PM CHINELLY Real Estate Inc BUCKLEY TOAERS HI Rollnr! FANTASTIC LAkFVlFW EXECUTIVE BEAUTY Central air. heal Area of Homestead-Florida Citv-Redlands IST Fluor 2 DeUruum cornet aul un golf course assumabie mortgage, jij ono 777- jAoil CE3 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE A DADE COUNTY STADLER 3 bedrooms I baih FAMILY ROOMS I Kleinman Rlty, Realtor 721-53141 Hunting Lodge-3 Bedroom Bath-Pool-Patio-2 Car Garage Also: Home with Mom Dad Apt Also: 2 Bedroom-Fla room S30s Ruth Beal Assoc Eves 887-6345 BLEWS Rlty Realtors 8-4r91 LUXURIOUS iuil torn ole ted 3 bed 963-7770 B'wd Dale FROM 15th lloor. 7 bedroom aol MUST SELL 3 Bedroom 7 baih in Anxious owner must sell 931-5375 Nice 3 bedroom 2 baih.
In best port ol Scott Lake. Fla room. Clean 4 neat! Range, refrigerator, washer-dryer. Call 652-8500 Open -9 NOR THG ATE realty inc Realtors It's A Beauty! targe 4 bedroom 2 bath, modern sunken living room, appliances, sprinklers system. Fenced.
Extras galore. Near good schools shopping. Low S40's. VA-FHA or bank terms. Seller pavs closings.
Hurry room 2 bath, acre of pines in natural setting, parquet wood floors, intercom, high efficiency central air unit 8. many more extras. 248-2545 iSKYLAKE real inc realtors beautiful location of Darlington Manor make offer In high S40's Gui-lerrei Assoc 665-2351 eves El-Si Salt-Homn-irea SI Area of LauderhiH, Sunrise E2-18 Sale-lpts-Condominiunis-Area 18 Area of Hiiieah 3 bedroom bath pool home on Cul-de-sac $65,900. (159) 4 bedrooms, pool -patio, great schools. (976) STADI FR 3 5FA50N5 S70' 3 SEASONS 120 SPACIOUS immaculate I bedroom EJ-OJ Salt-TownhoustS-Area 07 fc Rosen Rily Realtor 264-8049 Ub4 nw ist Ave.
Lbi bedroom 1-20 Salt Homet-Jraa 20 Area el Coconut Grove SE SW, Downtown Miami Call Stanley. SIS) down. Foreclosed. bath, walk 163 Si Mall 931-5375' Area ol North Miami Beach, SKYLAKE realty inc BY Owner 4 bedroom 2 baih, pool, in Cul-de-sac, large lot on canal, 485-3394 Days. 735-5428 Eves Metropolitan Mortgage.
realtors! Ckv Lake.ives Estates ASSOCIATES, INC. REALTORS VA $0 DOWN $0 CLOSING 253-2940 12451 So. Dixie Hwy JADE WINDS 4 room 2 bath 3 bed bedroom AVENTuRA bedroom 2 bdlh lulli srnralerl hj rtflrnralnr numar- can now room $25,900. Fenced, carpet, appli- OOLITE REALTY REALTOR 1820 SW 22 TERR. 3 Bedroom 2 baih, Fla room Open 1-6 Every day.
149,000 MIAMI REALTY INC REALTORS 446-8611 E1-56 Salt-Homes-Are SS Area ol Miramar BAMBOO GARDENS S20's -nm ovtra QO-iVnn $650 DOWN FHA 7 Bedroom, den. carpet, appliances, air cond, lireplace WESTCHESTER AREA! Reduced! Spoiiest 3 bedroom 7 bath, family room, patio, tenced ances. Owner 264-5906 Walk to Schools OVNFOR LESS THAN RENT! LARGE home bv owner bed- 780 NW 183 SI 651-5757 Andover Golf on water 3 bedroom beauty garage fence 624 Large i Deoroom. ngni pasiei oecor, wp mti ipT eat in kitchen, large ferrat e. townhouse 3 or Jj bath.
Best location, i Palmetto Junior Senior, Howard room, family room, game room, 2 BEDROOM 1 2 baih, appitances drapes, garage, on a cul-de-sac. manv extras Low SSO'i ow cash worn shop, Hign sju 74-58 LOW SJO'S. Anxious. Call owner 966-06 Hvwd Elegant 1 Bedroom Bath 2 Bedroom 2 Baih, New Carpets ut. fciemeniary.
3 bedroom, oath, pool on lj acre. SoO's. Call Carol, assoc PM 251-7171 WIRAMAR I5LPS 3 bedroom 2 Guavas And Ferns E1-14 Sala-Homei-arta 14 trta tl Carol City.M.rtle 6r Cell 557-7000 74 Hri 7 Davi skvt AkFrJitvinr rp.itortl3-0l Sale-Townhouses-Area 08 bath, Fla room, central air, many THE KLOCK CO WHAT a setting! 3 bedroom timber extras. Red Carpet, Realtors Area of North Miami, Biscavne Gardens 3-2 Pool Lake Village Green Rlty Inc Realtors pCendalt Realtors 753-2800 nome near silver raim k.rome. Charm galore.
AU, appliances, air CLEAN CORNER 3 bedroom 2 bath-new root 4 paint. Priced right at 129,000 FRED MARTIN Realtor 657-9600 EASTERN Shores waterfront, spacious 2 bedroom, den or 3rd bedroom, full baths, private dock, High S40's. 940-4707 RESALES RENTALS DUPLEX ZONED! Elegant 2 story home near St. Peters 4 Paul Church. 3 bedroom 7 bath, cathedral celling in living room, formal dining room, wonderlul for large familv galh- enngs.
Modern fullv equipped kilchen. An energy saving home! Much more Io tell so call and hurry! Priced in I60's. Call Mar-yann HARRY E.WARDELL, INC REALTOR 723-9441 SALE BY OWNER janes Realty, Keanor 66-75rj3 REDUCED THOUSANDS 100) Owner anxious. 3 bedroom. IHh WOODLANDS 2 Or 3 Bedroom 2 Full Baths Children Pels Welcome OPEN DAILY 10AM-6PM 142 SI 4 Memorial Hwy (NE 1 CI) JENNINGS Bllll IIXIIRY 3 BEDROOM, air cond corner good area.
Call alter 5PM 625-1283, 3 BEDROOM house iusl painted 4 room, carport, patio, front AVENTURA (E1-35 iowd cduwtt 4 bedroom 2 bath, family room executive home. Carpeting, drapes. AMBAibAUOK Kb AL I INL porch 4 truii tilled tenced yard, tall Randy Ware, assoc 223-3272. After hour 553-1361 Irv Stein Really Broker 931-5448 THP "MAYVIN" AVPMTt IPA P'Oker Isles only $49,900 M-364. In the Isles on Emerald i.ake! Our "Best Buv" In Needs a little paint and touch up.
3 bedroom 2 bath and It'll sell lasl! Call now! Open Eves Til 9PM CHINELLY Real Estate Inc 7577 Pembroke Road Realtors 966-7777 Hywd 675-3511 Miami lecorated, central air tenced, many extras. 528,000. S4S0 NW 172 I OWNER transferred 2 bedroom screened Pool 4 patio, many extras. No Agents. Call Mon-Fri 9-5.
597-0673 ACRE room for N-5 Tennis 3 bed- E1-3S Salt Homei trta 3S EASTERN Shores bv owner 1 bed Ckj ckn snores uy uwner i inno FALL SPECIAL oeo- oni ioii room I' baths Waterlronl Covered 1 aae" 8 2 1 3 BEDROOM 2 baih. corner lot. trea al Coeaer City 2-STORY TOWNHOUSE ON rAim Kalh DmI li IWI parking 945-6115 central air, no closing cost 2300 SW sume 164 .500 mortgage. 7550 SvV 116 PAID commission, no monthly desk I 31 MUST sell bv owner Relocatina. Imagine a 3 bedroom 2 bath with 75x11' familv room.
Huge corner tot, all tenced, carport. Many goodies! FHA-VA, Call 652-8500 OpenVv NORTHGATE realty inc Realtors Aventura 31. teu. tan em or Kussen Ui-iiii Canal, 2 bedroom 2 1 batn, walk in closets, bar, all appliances 4 carpeting. 123 SI easl ot Biscavne 159,000 Call 1-987-5S42 before 9am or aller 5 mPm 3 Bedroom $25,900 Immaculate new spacious Birch-field home.
4 bedroom 2V2 baih extra room wilh private entrance. Central heat-air. all appliances, cer- WHAT A STEAL FAMILY HIDEAWAY I Upgraded 2 bath convertible. ARTHUR PRESENT. INC.
2 GROVE HOMES EACH UNDER Each on valuable duplex zoned lots GARLAND MCNUTT 1931 Reiitiful 5 bedroom. 7 baih In 20175 Bisc Blvd Realtor 932-0100 Village Green. Central air-heal. As- Verv contemporary. 4 bedroom eung, cusiom oraoes, weti sprinter wit em Modern screen oalio.
aventura Coronado bedroomi'-' Salt-Iownhoun-Area 16 sume mortgage 4 pay 1194 month Iboth, oak 4 hammock selling, like Area ol Miami M-893. Best buv in Miramar. 3 bedrooms with 9x14 family room for 4th bedroom, 75x110 lot. Perfect for the large family. Priced right for quick sale.
ODen Eves Til 9PM 445-7414 Realtor 443-5107 i bath on golt course 925-685 toiai. nurry a must see: tan nanov new. svu s. jesste Liegerot Assoc. Ware, assoc 223-3272.
Aller hoursiEves 661-1593 5S3-1341 Pyburn RHy Inc Realtors 753-0200 SO EASY TO OWN "221 CERTIFICATE" Lovely Immaculate 3 bedroom home appliances, fenced, beautiful lawn on water. 129,000, EXECUTIVE HOME Large 5 bedroom 3 bath central air, fla room, tenced, appliances. Excellent buy. Low we open call now! Close in Near Evervthing! VIM" CONDOMINIUM 1035 W. 77 Hiaieah $522.50 CAN MOVE YOUR FAMILY IN! -Choice 1, 2 3 Bdrrrt.
Total electric kitchen, wall-to-wall carpeting, recreation facilities, 'much more. Excellent location. Up to 95 mtge. Available to qualified buyers. NO CLOSING COSTS, 1 MUST BE SEEN Tricoll Really, Incv Realtor 821-8184 corner lot.
Close lo schools shopping much more! $57, 900. 10481 SW 51 St. (between Stirling Griffin Rd.) Eves week-ends 434-6447 no agents BY owner no agents 1 bedroom I1 2 baih, pool, sauna, billiard 4 card rnr.m rail Id AAA A A PAA Springs NorthXountrv Club Ot Miami BV Ownei 2 bedroom 1 Dd'11, i Houses on uupiex tot Edith Doernbach Broker 649-7755 1.11 900 ERA CHINELLY Real Estate Inc A low-low orlce for so much house Realtors 865-1690 6900 Bay Dr Penthouse WAl TO THE ROADS 6240 Miramar Hkwy cenlral air 4 heal, caroetmg, appli- 3 Bedroom 2 bath plus garage, 36' 962-4232 Hvwd 624-8479 Miami CAPITAL REALTY CO MUST SELL, RENT E1-43 Salt-Htmei-Area 43 1 cciSBAAa 5 k.ik ai. rv notion f.ninin tf.rin i horirnnm lances, near shopping center con- pano, pricn ddu. Assumabie 3 bedroom 2 bath, familv room, garage, plus heated pool in low Rileway Prop II Inc Real- BRAND NFW 3 bedroom 7 hath OULIlt KcAL I Kt AL I UK Area of Fort Lauderdale 651-5757 Perk cornerloi Fia Foot, screened 17 bath beauty mid 120 652-5207 280 NW 183 51 close to school.
Open 10-6 520 SW 78 S3500TO ASSUME MORTGAGE tor 223-7880 "BEAUTY BiTVOrJB BELIEF FULLY Furn 2 bedroom 2 baih torch, carpel, drapes, air cond. y48 illmore Blvd. by owner 1-962-7296 3 Bedrooms plus den and familv room. Atl new appliances include dnrner i ot 3 hprirrom hath Associates Has It! model apl. Centur.v 21.
Best oiler. Musl see. Owner Hvwd 963-0594 LOCATION LOCATION CLOSE to Downtown, Kev Bii' KNOLLS wesner, arver ana aisnwasner. Coral Park Estate Section Owner motivated. Give offer now! Listed in Miami Lakes Windmill Gate 3 bedroom 2 baih, pool, patii ol, patio DRASTICALLY REDUCED! Water etc.
Huge 4 bedroom 2 bath New roof, new central air, 2 car garage, carpel, panelling. All this tor only 136,000 FHA low Down VA No Down. Sails Realty Inc Realtor 68T-3515 ROLLING GREEN 133,900 BRIGHT 2 bedroom 2 bath newly 431-614? etc. rKILc tai 4u s. see ii' Kitewav prop ll inc Re Keaitors 2JJ-44U) iupm Bill Eisnor Inc front, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, on beautiful wooded lot.
Direct ocean access, hath iderorated. ceramic tiled lerrace ov altor ZZJ-ffwBU cayne, Grove. This super spacious 3 bedroom 3 baih musl be seen. Split bedroom plan with office in master bedroom, large family room 4 uwritK i bedroom BY'Owner 3 bedroom i bath 2 car screened porch, fruit frees, assume- 'erlooks golf course 931-5375 ble mortgage eves brwd 962-0731 SKYLAKE realty inc realtors tamiiv room, extras.1 Brow tan 981-9580 Dade 621-9881 1J55 DOWN PAYMENT FHA wm awe ot vtci ttsjw VWIBI porch. Don't miss ll or you II be WED 1 Year warranty on equipment Associates Rity Corp Reaiton 14800 SMALL Cash Second Mort- 101.
Uq-WQ 3 BEDROOM 2 bath, pool, ample bedrooms, ell fenced, modern BY owner 3 bedroom 3 bath, den. klers, mortgage assumabie. LEASE WITH OPTION fantastic 1 Bath 1st Floor 945-4543 Newest section in Miami Lakes, 2,3 4 bedroom villas. Visit our furnished model Monday thru Sundav 10AM-6PM 6409 WINDMILL GATE RD MIAMI LAKES PROPERTIF iwr Associates Has It! 143,550. No gents.
familv room, wet bar, fireplace, pool, palio, 2 car oarage, air cond, ERA CO INC kitchen, ttne new nome. uscar, sociale 823-9851 Eves MEMBER -BROKER Jennings style pool -patio. 3 Bedroom T'i bath, 2 car garage, Whispering .10 OrVt lirm 3 BEDROOM Tbath, 138.000. owner 989-3776, 919-4100 "0 agents. SCREENED POOL PATIO.
Very 5XIJ5, 2 BEDROOM 2 bath-Century 21-Assume 7' i mortgage Pool auditorium tennis cardrooms 937-2067 i-'ines. low S6U REALTOR 595-0233 764-3183 Tri-IfvPl. 6eepWaTer 'Broker 821-1130 motivated seller, easy terms, 3 bed- rnnm hnmat tnrmA Let, nniM laTt'a ERA NEW LISTING 'iu'" nri iCall 595-1680 E1-S0 Salt-Homtt-Arta SO Area ot Pembroke Pines Trade Ins Accepted E1-21 Sali-Nomes-lrt21 Aret si Coral Gables E2-0S Sili-Apti-CiBdomiflisian Area OS Associates Rity Corp Realtors 1169,900. 3 bedrooms, 4 air cond, carpeting, 6S tl precast seawall 4 pool, lexceiTenl school area. Assume 83-.
PRIME area. Needs TLC. 3 bed Westchester Low 140s Pedro Realty Inc. E1-0I Sale-Homes-Area 08 Area of North Miami, I Biscavne Gardens 1-08 Sale-Homes-trea OR Area ot North Miami, Biscavne Gardens room 7 oatn, pool, central air corner. Only 148,000 SUNILAND REALTY INC.
1.110 APRI OPFN 4 TO 7 Area of North Miami, Biscavne Gardens mortgage, balance IVJ.wv Kay s5U month. PITI, Call Compass Reallv Clean 3 bedroom 2 bath, great area Large familv room, eaf-in kitchen, carport. Assumabie mortgage. Call 420 49 SI Realtor 823-5390 3 bedroom 2 bains 2 lots guest REALTORS 233-7990 Kcanors inc l-5qi-4iae EXTRA NICE house, great bargain. bj4-5b UNBELIEVABLE! 3 Bedroom 2 bath, pool, Floridian.
1 car oarage, family room, 162 500. Call Ron Lupi, eves 921-8901. CENTURY 21 BRAUN 4 MAY REALTY 12500 NE 15 Ave I bedroom i i L0D3S ASSOC 164-BU46 1 1UHM) WELL-maintained 3 bedroom 2 E1-44 Sale-Homei-Arta 44 bath wet bar dinina oalio new kitch bath, eai-in kitchen, heated pool, rec, room, 125,000, 538-1605 E-W-M en walled lot 266-4673 after daily or Midtown Kity inc Realtor 223-3100 HEART OF KENDALL iUPER buv! You can move into this bedroom 2 bath home immediate Area Hattndalt, Pembroke Park 3 bedroom-siove-refrigertor carpet-shades-air cond-fenced sprinklers. 7 years old. Call! A.
Bresnahan, Realtor 681-8523 "OPPORTUNITY' bedroom 2 baih, air cond, etc, small down no closing 1225 NE 124 ST weekends 174,900 1 haHrrwn nniiirn rnvravl run kind 1104 N. University Dr. Realtor Esslinger-Woolen-Makwell, Inc. REALTORS 7 BFDROOM 1 hath, nice vard Oade 62I-S258 securitv svstem, sauna pool, exer Brwd, 967-6JI0 corner. Excellent location 634-5104, ly.
Large family room, garage, excellent neighborhood. Very flexible cost can owner or 6JJ-J62P atter a pm 4 Super Buys bath screened pool, cenlral air-heet, carpet draoes, modern kitchen cor-jner lot, elras. 922-0564 Brwd terms. 667-8871 6245 MAYNADA POOL SPECIALS! ERA cise party room, etc. 854-7242 after 5prn 895-6197 (185, ASSUME mortgage pav-ments monthly.
1 Bedroom other 2 bedroom. Call tor information 264-6351 eves Maria A. Garcia-Navarro Assoc. 685-1647 QUICK SALE Repossessed Housing bade Value $25,500 3 Down Closing cost Broward Value $28,800 $450 Down Plus closing cost S1800 Down, no Qualify no closing 3 bedroom. Fla room $275 monih PrAZZO RLTV CO Broker 625-5474 UPfcN I-4PM THE ALTEATIVE AUGUST 4 CO INC New Listing! REALTOR 59S-0733 PP-3021 3 bedroom 2 bath, waterfront Pasadena Lakes, only $66,900.
PP-434 3 bedroom 2 bath Pines Reduced 14000 to $44,900. A super deal PP-1173 3 bedroom 2 baih pool Pines Reduced lo $44,900. Make offers PP-1187 2 bedroom 1 baih Adult WALK TOWESTCHE OPEN 3-5 E1-4S Sale-Hemti-Arta 41 lir740SW 13? TER .11. I 7C'winA' ERA 4 seoroom Jennings built. Suoer location.
Area el HeKvweod duplex lot, good terms. PAULEY Fidelity Realty Co Realtors Gorgeous 3 Bedroom 7 bath, lovelv drapes 4 carpeting, fullv panelled, wilh 15'x30" pool, cenlral air-heat, manv appliances, low S40'i. Corner 1 bedroom 2 baih, with tub 4 shower completely tiled, slove, refrigerator 4 washer, screened patio. Jusl reduced lo "OFFICE OPEN SAT-SUN SKY IlALTY INC. KcAL I 64-I55U 3 bedroom 3 baih pool home wilh Florida room end 2 ctr gtrtgt.
Mutt tee. 192,500. WZrWVrrXSnv 211; BEDROOM, turn, dock, pool, 2 Pool Homes! 3 BEDROOM family room 2 car fenced corner air cond oarac Lakeside Suvr in asadena and Pembroke 1 Assume either for $5000. Both 3 bed Heritage Corp. of S.
Florida i. 5101 SW 177 PI 771-9693 To the Condominium is a brand new 2 story residence on a 50 lot. Perfectly appointed. Courtyards well for privacy, wet bar. 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, 2 car garage.
$155,000 with placed mortgage, no closing cost. Ooen daily 8 by appointment with The Janis Company Inc Realtors 666-5839 Bird Rd 4. 97 Ave Area-Pool room 2 bath with more. Dotn vacant. Call lor details.
17801 SW 68 AVE OPEN 2-5 Celebrate the SAVINGS stunning contemporary Lake- open tves 1 11 vkw CHINELLY Real Estate Inc 1150 N. University Dr. Realtor' Brwd 963-7777 Dade 625-5104 4 Bedroom 2 bath garage $45,500 GREATER MIAMfREALTY INC REALTORS 446-8411 740 NW 183 SI, Realtor! 657-7000 BAbSFOKD RtALIT INL. Realtor 1601 NW 77 Way Dade 471-3737 Brwd. 962-3400 324-4000587-3177 Mr.
Paulson front in ell-Paimeilo Schools area. 3 bedrooms, 3 Italian tiled baths, motivated seller. Don'l mist seeing the "Great 1 Shop CLASSIFIED CALL CLASSIFIED 350-7722 CALL CLASSIFIED 354-2722 CALL CLASSIFIED 350-2272 CALL CLASSIFIED 350-2222 Koom.